Monthly Archives: August 2011



Some days I just want to be a pretty lady standing in the sunlight.

Skin: al vulo – miha pink2
shape: al vulo miha small
Hair: Elikatira – Falling 2 Brown 08
Eyes: Ibanez Ltd edition Hazel
Makeup Tattoo: Mock Dark Warm Brown Cotton Candy Makeover
Jacket: R.icielli Misseiling oldpink
Dress: Cupcakes – Spring Corset Dress Rose
Shoes: R.icielli Sophia pumps printed

Pose: Tea Soup


I think the vampire teeth from Heartsick are perfect. This hairstyle reminds me of a sci fi villian. But I wanted to wear my teeth so…sci fi vampire. My outfit came with bracers and boots but I decided to wear my own robo arms and legs. So really she’s a Cyborgvampire from outerspace.
Hair: A&Y Rex Cyber hair 1st ver. (luckyboard)
Hair Tattoo: Boon vine
Lips and vamp teeth: Heartsick – Vamp Fangs (group gift)
Skin: Vive9 Belle Tan (old not for sale)
Outfit + Sunglasses: Bare Rose – Blue Arms lady
Arms: GW Cybernetic Arms by Groll Greggan
Boots: Kojima Industries
Poses: Tea SoupBackground is the cyber bar, just 1L. Doesn’t come with the star sky orb but it has animated floors and holo stairs. Other neat cyber dollarbies at the shop too…KY-BOX/2221252



The wooden arms for a robot could be seen as weird but I think it’s just a classy exterior like those wooden side panels cars used to have. The textures on Dura’s hair are so lovely. First I just got the gold, then I went back for the rest.

Hair: Dura
Eyes: Negaposi
Gold eyeliner: Boom (platinum hunt)
Skin: Glam Affair (platinum hunt)
Swimming suit: Boom (platinum hunt)

Boots: Kojima Industries
Arms: GW Cybernetic Arms by Groll Greggan
The padded room is the platinum hunt gift from adorkable poses.



Masooka is one of my favorite shops landscaping wise. A pretty little pond for me to prance around showing off my new clothes.

Hair: aurora by Fugees Teardrop
Skin: Sorry Asia
Eyes: Negaposi
Outfit: Indi (platinum hunt)
Shoes: HOC
Poses: Di’s Opera (platinum hunt)

Green Princess


Fun with shadows…I feel really artsy with shadows on. They add a highlight to any scene. This is my first shot with my new computer. I can even run shadows and take a photo without crashing yay.

Hair – Diva (group gift)
Skin – Dulce Secrets
Eyes – Ibanez
Dress – Evie’s Closet
Eye + Lips makeup – Mock (group gift)
Eyeliner – Grixdale
Horns – Rue (freebie pack at the everwind location, all styles included!)

Poses: Glitterati



Hair: Exile (platinum hunt)
Skin: Sorry Asia (at the grunge soul project currently)
Eyes: Sorry Asia (lucky board)
Lipstick: Sorry Asia
Outfit: Kunglers (platinum hunt)
Necklace and earrings: Alienbear (platinum hunt)
Boots: Adam n Eve (currently on sale)
Posebox: Boom (platinum hunt)